How Do Scratch Offs Work

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Would you like to become a Turntablist but don't know where to begin?

You don't have to go it alone! Learning to scratch takes the a combination of instruction and deliberate practice. Whilst there is no shortcut to this process, what makes all the difference is having the scratch techniques and ways to practice them properly explained and broken down for you step by step. Whether you have no idea how to begin scratching or if you're struggling to make progress, I share what I've learned throughout the past 19 years during my 1000's of hours of scratching. I demystify the art and help you start scratching as simply as possible. I believe that anyone can scratch, it just takes patience, dedication, and the right amount of focused learning.

Dog Food Done Differently. See how Scratch makes a healthier and fresher kibble, tailored on a plan for Australian dogs.

That's why I created School of Scratch 🆘

  • Online scratch games are an ideal way to take advantage of casino bonuses. Scratch cards are now available at real money online casinos in the USA.
  • Learn how to start a business from scratch LIVE. Start with your first customer/sale and work backward. Watch live profit of $100, from cold call to cash.
  • While perusing Sam's Club the other day, I ran across some great deals on dishwashing soap. And naturally, my crafty mind did not immediately go to house cleaning. Much to my husband's dismay.
  • How to Make Scratch Off Card: Tutorial how to make scratch off card.Great for valentine, promotion, guess game.

– Emma Short-E

Join School of Scratch today!

What is the School of Scratch?

School of Scratch (est. 2014) is the definitive online how to scratch course and online community. Learn at your own pace, using clearly broken down, high quality HD scratch tutorial videos, taught by Emma Short-E of Studio Scratches.

Scratch Tutorial Videos from Emma Holmes

High quality scratch video tutorials you'll love to watch, with each step thoughtfully broken down and made simple, so you can put it into practice right away. Train with QnA practice videos.

Support & Community

Connect with other Scratch DJs in the Discussion Forums. Share your progress and tips and be inspired on your scratch journey! Share content and inspiration in our private Facebook group.

The classroom is the place to go for highly focused, concentrated scratch tuition in easy to follow courses.

8 Courses:

  • Course 1 – Equipment Needed (9 videos)
  • Course 2 – Equipment Set Up (6 videos)
  • Course 3 – Before you Start Scratching (3 videos)
  • Course 4 – Scratch Techniques (26 videos)
  • Course 5 – Scratch Combos (19 videos)
  • Course 6 – Scratch & Music Theory (10 videos)
  • Course 7Technical Guides (3 Videos)
  • Course 8 – QnA Training Videos (22 videos)

Each video is fully comprehensive and contains step-by-step instruction, broken down into manageable bite size chunks to make learning as simple and effective as possible.

Watch An Entire Sample Video Tutorial

Course 1 – Equipment Needed

A comprehensive overview of each piece of equipment needed, what it is, why you need it (if it isn't too obvious) and how it is used in scratching. Simple but essential stuff!

  1. Scratch DJ Equipment Buyers Guide – eBook PDF download.
  2. Turntables – 04:15
  3. Cartridge & Stylus – 02:02
  4. Mixer – 04:02
  5. Slipmats – 02:48
  6. Scratch Vinyl – 02:44
  7. Instrumentals – 04:14
  8. DVS – 02:51
  9. Digital Scratch Records / Samples – 02:09
  10. Amp / Headphones / Speakers – 01:07

9 Videos, Total Time: 26:12

Course 2 – Equipment Set Up

All the information, tips and tricks that you need to set up your equipment for the ultimate silky smooth scratching experience. It covers all the small things that make a BIG difference.

  1. Setup / Plugging In – 03:16
  2. Tone Arm Adjustment For Skip Free Needles – 03:09
  3. Record Hole Adjustment – 03:10
  4. Finding Samples and Marking Records – 03:36
  5. How to EQ Your Records – 01:39
  6. Table Height – 01:12

6 Videos, Total Time: 16:02

Course 3 – Before you Start Scratching

We're almost ready to get on the tables and start cutting it up, but before we do that, it's important to first consider a few final things.

  1. Which Hand Should I Use On The Crossfader? – 04:59
  2. Hamster / Reverse vs Regular Crossfader – 04:31
  3. Scratch Notation – 03:50

3 Videos, Total Time: 13:20

Course 4 – Scratch Techniques

I break down each scratch technique slowly and thoroughly, to give you the best chance of building a solid scratch foundation. The end of each tutorial contains a QnA where I perform the techniques slowly and then leave space for you to copy me.

  1. Baby Scratch – 11 mins
  2. Drops – 13 mins
  3. Forward Scratch – 10 mins
  4. Reverse Scratch– 10 mins
  5. Stab Scratch – 14 mins
  6. Transformer Scratch – 18 mins
  7. Chirp Scratch – 22 mins
  8. Flare Scratch – 24 mins
  9. Crab Scratch – 27 mins
  10. Slice Scratch – 18 mins
  11. Tears– 19 mins
  12. Dicing – 17 mins
  13. 2 Click Flare – 16 mins
  14. Twiddle – 22 mins
  15. 3 Click Flare – 19 mins
  16. Delayed 3 Click Flare – 23 mins
  17. Original Flare – 20 mins
  18. Echo Scratch (Upfader Technique) – 23 mins
  19. Fades / Fading (Upfader Technique) – 23 mins
  20. Drags – 28m
  21. TranSlice – 19m
  22. Regular Fader Demo – 2m
  23. Whips – 19m
  24. Short-E Special Scratch – 14m
  25. Hydroplane – 24m
  26. Pushes – 17m

26 Videos, Total Time: 7 hours 52 min

Course 5 – Scratch Combos

Once you have learnt some of the basic scratch techniques, it's time to start linking them together into 'scratch combos'. I can't wait to share my favourite combos that I perform in my QnA videos with you.

How To Scratch Offs Work

  1. Military Scratch – 16 mins
  2. Chirp Flare Scratch – 25 mins
  3. See Saws – 17 mins
  4. Boomerang – 21 mins
  5. Swing Flare – 20 mins
  6. 2 Click Chirp Flare – 16 mins
  7. Joe Cooley – 26m
  8. A6 Autobahn – 19m
  9. Fast Autobahn – 21m
  10. Slow Autobahn – 25m
  11. A8 Autobahn Minus 5th Sound – 15m
  12. Swing Flare > Dices > Release – 13m
  13. Swingy Boomerang – 12m
  14. Reverse Crab > Tear / Release – 13m
  15. Crab > Dice > Release > Drag > Translice – 20m
  16. 3 Click Flare Twist: Twiddle + Extra Click – 12m
  17. Travelling Boomerang / Autobahn > Crabs > Transforms – 15m
  18. Switch Tazer – 10m
  19. BoomFlare – 18m

This section also includes my 'Scratch Combo of the Month' series with extra breakdown info:

  1. Baby > Half Chirp > Reverse Dice > Translice – 4m
  2. Half Boomerang > Flare > Crab > Translice – 5m
  3. A6 Autobahn Styles – 6m
  4. 3 Click > 1 Click Flare > Whip – 4m
  5. Swing Flare > Dice / Forwards – 4m
  6. Whip > Dice > Drag – 6m
  7. Baby > 2 Click Flare – 4m
  8. Swing Flare Stabs – 6m
  9. Joe Cooley Flares – 6m
  10. Transforms to Swing Flare – 5m
  11. Boomerang, Flare, Reverse Crab, Drag – 5m
  12. Transforms, Swing Flare – 4m
  13. Crab, 1 click flare, transforms – 6m
  14. Forwards, Transforms, Reverse, Boomerang – 3m
  15. Swing flare, 1 click flare, forwards – 6m
  16. Boomerang Pause – 7m
  17. Baby with transforms, slices, dices and a drag – 7m
  18. 2 click flare twiddle over a 2 part vocal – 9m
  19. Slice, 2 transforms forward, reverse crab and flare combo – 7m
  20. Reverse crab and flares – 6m
  21. Slice and transforms – 8m
  22. Military, swing flare / boomerang – 8m
  23. Delayed flare styles – 9m
  24. Forward, reverse, crab – 8m

43 Videos, Total Time: 8 hours.

Course 6 – Scratch & Music Theory

Make your scratching flow and become more musical in your expression.

  1. Counting Beats & Bars – 10m
  2. Beats, Note Length & Timing – 10m
  3. Triplets – 6m
  4. Syncopation – 21m
  5. Syncopation in Action – 46
  6. Swing – 22m
  7. Vocal Cuts – 41m – The ultimate guide to scratching with vocal samples!
  8. Vocal Cuts part 2 – 11m
  9. Stutter Vocal Cuts – 20m
  10. Say It Before You Play It – 6m

10 Videos, Total Time: 3 hours 14 mins.

Course 7 – QnA Training Videos

Not got anyone to jam with? Now you do! Practice your scratching with me. 22 Videos, Total Time: 3 hours 56 mins.

Course 8 – Technical Guides

This section covers technical tips and tricks that can help your scratch life easier! Currently featuring 3 super helpful videos from guest tutor and video pro Suckertash, with more planned.

  1. How To Record Better Scratch Videos – Part 1 – Equipment & Setup – 7 mins
  2. How To Record Better Scratch Videos – Part 2 – Recording – 5 mins
  3. How To Record Better Scratch Videos – Part 3 – Post Production / Editing – 10 mins

3 Videos, Total Time: 22 mins.

Combined Total School of Scratch Video Time: 24 hours 20 mins

Ready to learn how to scratch? Join School of Scratch today.

Two places to connect with others and get support, via…

A Community Discussion Forum

Here you can:

  • Meet other DJs.
  • Ask your peers scratch related questions.
  • Share links to your scratch videos and get feedback from other students.
  • Share your progress and tips and be inspired on your scratch journey!

Live Room

Chat to fellow classmates via text in real time, by jumping into the live scratch room and broadcast your practice with your webcam and jam with others. There is also a very active private Facebook group so you can connect with our amazingly supportive community of like minded DJs aka the Supa Scratch Crew.


About Your Tutor

Emma has been scratching since the year 2000, when she discovered she had a love for fr-fr-fresh scratching and funky hip hop. After much time spent learning techniques and developing her flow, she now loves to break things down for anyone who wants to learn the art. Emma founded Studio Scratches in 2008, opened School of Scratch in 2014 and is dedicated to assisting you become excellent at the art of scratching. She has a passion for sharing knowledge and encouraging and inspiring others to achieve their dreams.

Meet your classmates – The Supa Scratch Crew

The Supa Scratch Crew are the awesome members of School of Scratch. They are scratch DJs from all over the world, who have varying levels of skill and experience. I have never met such an amazingly supportive, positive, encouraging group of DJs who care about each other's progress and experience in the School and in life. When you join School of Scratch, you are joining our crew. We are family!

Unlimited 24/7 Access
Classroom of HD Scratch Tutorial Videos
Proven curriculum you can work through
Practice Cheat Sheet
Progress Tracker
QnA Training Videos
Community Discussion Forums
Live Video Scratch Room available 24/7
Private Facebook Group Access
Monthly Scratch Challenges to help you practice and progress
100 Days of Scratching Ultimate Support Package
*NEW* 100 Days of Practice Challenge and Guide

8 Courses
122 videos
24+ hours of content

Bonus Downloads:

Ahhh & Fresh Samples
10 Beats for Scratch Practice
Speed Booster Training mp3

Choose a membership option below to get started today. As soon as you purchase, you will get immediate access (via user name and password) to the School of Scratch 🆘 and our Supa Scratch Crew Community ❤️.

Most affordable. Spread the cost of learning.

$49 a month*

  • *Membership renews automatically every month, cancel anytime

BEST VALUE – A single one off payment gets you unlimited lifetime access to the School and community.

Our Lifetime Membership Re-opens on March 26, so sign up to get the announcement!

PSST: You'll also get a sweet presale offer!

Lifetime Bonuses and Perks include:

  • Ultimate Beats for Scratch Practice download ($70 value)
  • Ultimate Scratch Samples download ($25 value)
  • Supa Scratch Crew Control Vinyl Labels
  • Supa Scratch Crew Gold Hot Foil Print – signed by Emma, with a handwritten message to you on the reverse

Payment Plan Available


'I am a complete beginner, I am worried I am not good enough to join.'

Please don't worry! You are the reason School of Scratch was created! Complete beginners are catered to and walked through the process. You'll be cutting it up fresh in no time! Our community is super supportive and encouraging. We all know what it feels like to be new at this!

'What equipment do I need?'

Course 1 – 'Equipment Needed' walks you through the equipment you need to enjoy scratching. Put simply, you need: A turntable with cartridge and stylus, mixer, slipmat and some vinyl to scratch with. If you would like to know more, download my Scratch DJ Equipment Guide. You'll also need an internet connection to log into the School and watch the videos and interact in the community.

'You scratch hamster and with your right hand on the crossfader, but I scratch regular and / or with my other hand on the fader. Can I still learn and benefit?'

Absolutely! Scratching can be broken down into moving the record backwards and forwards whilst opening and closing the crossfader. Simply take these principles and apply it to whichever hand you use on the crossfader, hamster or regular.

'I use a controller, not turntables + a mixer. Can I benefit from the lessons?'

YES! I mainly teach using turntables and vinyl DVS AND I also have 17 lessons teaching the basics on a Reloop Beatpad 2 controller, using Algoriddim djay 2 software. Scratching with digital controllers is totally possible, the only difference is it feels a little different than using vinyl, because the platters don't spin and are so much smaller. Many controllerists use my tutorials and adapt the basic principles to their digital setup. The art of scratching is really about moving the platters backwards and forwards and turning the crossfader off and on. It's only the finer subtleties of the moving platter that are missing when you use a controller. I also recommend watching the free tutorial on this page above to see if you can apply the principles to the specific controller you are using. Both vinyl heads and controllerists are welcome in the school! Many of us use both.

'Aren't there free scratch tutorial videos on YouTube I can watch and learn from?'

Yes AND the School of Scratch is a dedicated place to learn from professionally recorded, high quality videos, in an order that makes the most sense. You won't have to search to find what's next or piece together incomplete information. We have a complete curriculum you can follow step by step. You'll also benefit from being in our positive community who will support your scratch journey. After all, scratching is so much more than just techniques!

'Do you cover advanced techniques?'

Yes we do! From the Boomerang to all flavours of the Autobahn scratchers, there is something for everyone. All levels are welcome! If you are advanced – I recommend checking my DJcity combos which combine all of the advance level scratches, the QnA section where you can jam along. We also invite you to hang out in the forums or live room and even help others! Inspiration is possible at every level, we got you covered!

'Is there any minimum commitment or lock-in on the monthly membership?'

No, absolutely not. You can cancel anytime. If you need to take a break and leave at any time you can. You are also welcome back at any time! We are family!

'I have another question…'

I can't wait to hear them, email them to and you will receive a reply.

Ready to learn how to scratch? – Join School of Scratch today!

SoS Students in Action

Some of our current students in action using skills honed in the School.


As a teacher, Emma has the very rare quality of being both highly proficient as an artist, while also able to break down technique to its most rudimentary core. Even the most inexperienced novice will find her step-by-step method, clarity and simplified focus very easy to follow. Yet, amidst her fundamental descriptions one finds a treasure trove of absolutely essential information that would still be of great value to even the most seasoned DJ. Suckertash – Canada
In my opinion, there are two ingredients needed to get good on the cut: #1 Serious dedication to put lots of time into scratching. #2 Information. Emma has put together a wickedly well layed out, clear and functional school to get you the information on scratching you are looking for. Wanna get good? You deal with #1, Emma deals with #2. Cut it up Fresh. DarcyD – Canada (Scratch Mobile)
I've been a big fan of Emma since I discovered her on YouTube. This is very neat, clean, easy to navigate, easy to understand with step by step training tutorials explaining and showing you everything you need to know about scratching, starting from scratch. The question and answers section is an excellent way to practice your kutz!! I highly recommend this school of scratch for those starting out, seeking inspiration or wanting a positive and friendly tutor to help with all your scratch needs. I'm excited to see students sign up to this! Kitty Kutz – New Zealand
If you want to learn how to Scratch… then look no further! Emma breaks everything down very simply and easily and covers just about everything you need to know – from setting up your equipment, what records to buy and of course, fully explaining the scratch techniques. I wish I had something like that when I started out. It would have made life a lot simpler and would have learnt a LOT faster! Keep it up SOS! Mista Ed – New Zealand / UK ( Return Of The DJ Vol. V)
In the School of Scratch, Emma has designed a comprehensive and accessible forum for learning how to scratch and learn about all things related to scratch. The course is designed for people that want to use vinyl and/or controllers. Each lesson provides users with extended break downs of each scratch (i.e the chirp or flare scratches) in slow and manageable pieces. The lesson will then go on to develop the scratch showing users what you should be heading for in terms of sound with the understanding that each person brings their own sound and swing to each cut. Emma ain't no dope – she's mad good on the cuts!! At the end of the lesson there is a question and answer slot which is great to bounce rhythms off. The scratch teaching process is well thought out, linear and very easy to follow, being able to build on learnt skills. It's surprising how quickly you're able to get it. As each lesson is broken down into its incremental parts so is the course as a whole. Learning to do one scratch, then another then leads on to developing various combos. I'm serious – Emma will show you all the secrets of being able to scratch including how to develop ‘deliberate practice'. Another thing that the package provides is access to a bunch of like minded people, people that wanna learn how to scratch. Emma's natural enthusiasm has bought together a scratch community where people are able to bring their cuts to either a live scratch lounge or to be uploaded in the forum. Members are able to provide constructive appraisal of others work. This is so important, it helps people develop the ability to play out and to have another (appreciative and knowing) ear can reflect what work could be done to develop the scratch. I cannot emphasise enough that this is done in a place which is genuinely safe, constructive and positive, unlike other arenas of the interweb where you get people hating on, this reflects the whole ethos of the schools values, shared learning and mutual respect, I've not come across any mad ego here. There are forums to connect with like minded individuals, share inspirational vids, share tricks etc to. I wouldn't look anywhere else in terms of price, cogency of lessons and accessibility to a good bunch of people and well laid out website for the complete scratch package. This is an awesome package which will develop your musical understanding as well as your cuts. See you at the DMC! Simon Denny – UK

How do you set up an office from scratch, say, you have recently got an office space? The process of setting up a workplace is as overwhelming as decorating a new house. You tend to get excited over the idea of purchasing new furnishings, filling the place up with new equipment, and mulling over how you will set the interior. However, if you don't plan carefully how you will set up your office space, you might end up spending too much money on things you don't need, or worse—create a clutter that might put a damper on the overall efficiency of your operations.

If you are unsure how to set up an office from scratch, keep reading. In this article, we will be providing you with a comprehensive checklist of office essentials, so that you can create a workplace that will reinforce your operations, foster collaboration, and improve productivity.

5 Easy Steps To Set Up Your Office Space From Scratch

How you set up your office can make or break your business. A disorderly workplace can lead to unhappy workers, which could be a cause for inefficient operations. In fact, according to the State of the American Workplace report, results showed that dissatisfied employees cost businesses in the US $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity every year.

There are many factors that might contribute to this dissatisfaction among employees. As you can see on the table provided, above 40% of workers believe that there is not enough quiet space for focused work in modern offices. Moreover, roughly 30% think that their workplace need better wireless technology, and 20% are stating that the internal office design and layout is not conducive to productivity and quality.


Make sure you prevent this by setting up an office carefully. By understanding what your operations need and having a clear view of the requirements of your business, you can create a seamless work environment that improves productivity, enhances teamwork, ensures efficiency, and exudes professionalism.

In this article, we will show you 5 easy steps on how to set up an office space from scratch. From choosing a floor plan and finding out how to optimize your space to determining the type of equipment you need and narrowing down the essential SaaS for your business, our guide can serve as your checklist to make everything go smoothly.

Step 1: Visualize How You Want Your Office to Look Like

Before you start buying items and filling up your office with furnishings and equipment, try to visualize what you want your workspace to look like. Make measurements of your space to get a good grasp of how much space you have to spare. After which, you can start estimating how small or how large the equipment you'll need. By doing so, it will be easier for you to design how the layout of your office.

As you visualize your floor plan, you should decide what kind of work environment you want for your employees. Different office setups have various effects that can be ideal for certain industries while detrimental to others. If you're looking for one that promotes productivity and individual growth, using cubicles may be good for your operations. For those who want to foster creativity and enhance teamwork, an open office layout might work better. You could also make use of half partitions to strike a good balance between an open-plan and cubicle office layout. At the end of the day, it all boils down to finding out which office floor plan you and your staff are comfortable with.

Step 2: Set Up Your Communication Channels

Even as you set up the office you can and should immediately establish communication with clients, staff and key partners. Each working hour counts and you cannot afford to have employees sitting idle waiting for the final touches on the office interior. This is where communication channels will come in, particularly business phone system. Using today's cloud PBX, instant messaging app, teleconferencing tools, and VoIP programs, you get to establish that key communication link on the get-go. Moreover, these can simplify communication within your office as well. To help you build your office's communication network, we have listed down some products for you to consider. You can also check out this list of communications software systems to expand your list of options.

1. RingCentral

Probably the most essential communications tool that you need for your office is a PBX system or VoIP software. This will allow you to consolidate different communication channels in one convenient hub. Whether you need to handle calls, emails, video chat, instant messaging, or conferencing, this type of software will be able to support it. One good example of this is RingCentral.

This unified communications system and VoIP program is designed to cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes. Offering robust tools that are highly configurable, this platform allows users to conduct conferences, take phone calls, manage emails, as well as perform instant messaging with ease. Moreover, the software comes with auto receptionist tools and automated call forwarding options that can relieve you of mundane tasks such as routing calls to the right people. To further reinforce communication efforts and make sure that you are always within reach of your customers, RingCentral also has built-in fail-safe systems. Should you want to extend the functionalities of this platform and configure it according to your operational needs, you may also integrate it with a multitude of third-party apps.

You can try all its premium features at no cost when you sign up for a RingCentral free trial here.


Try out RingCentral with their free trial

The platform is created to work on both mobile and desktop devices, so you can manage your calls and messages as long as you're connected to the internet. With this at your disposal, you can certainly reduce the amount of busywork involved in communicating with clients, business partners, and staff members. This way, you can focus more on having substantial conversations that drive your business forward. For pricing, RingCentral has different plans that are bundled according to the types of features you require as well as the number of users you intend on enrolling in the system. These range from $19.99/month/user to $59.99/month/user.

2. Slack

On top of your VoIP system, it is also important to find a tool that specifically targets your internal communications. For this, an instant messaging system would be more ideal. It is less disruptive than calls and conferencing. In addition, messages sent through IM are much easier to filter and search for future reference. One such IM tool you should consider is Slack.

Slackis a messaging application developed to centralize all internal business communications. Offering robust real-time messaging as well as voice and video calling capabilities, this tool also has file sharing, archiving, filtering, data encryption, and custom notification features that allow modern teams to maximize collaboration and optimize overall operations. Moreover, it is accessible from any device, giving users complete mobility. To top it all off, Slack offers open API capabilities that allow it to work with over 1500 external applications. This way, you can extend its capabilities and merge it with your existing business systems with ease. For pricing, Slack has a free plan and paid plans that cost $6.67/user/month to $12.50/user/month.

Step 3: Make Sure You Have the Right Software

After determining the office hardware you need, it's time to start choosing the software systems that you will use for your operations. These applications are key to helping you boost overall productivity and efficiency in your workplace. With these at your disposal, you can speed up the majority of your operational processes and streamline your workflow. More often than not, these are also built to help you reduce the amount of manual work that you have to do on a daily basis. Just make sure you choose software systems that are flexible enough to adapt to your unique workflow and support the requirements of your operations.

To help you get started, we have zeroed in on some of the most essential types of SaaS for your new office. However, before investing in one, make sure that your prospective software systems are compatible with the equipment you are currently using. This is so that you won't end up spending more money to replace certain hardware. For certain industries, it is also important to note that there may be specialized software solutions that you will need. Check out this comprehensive guide to the essential SaaS solutions for businesses to get a better idea of the other types of systems that you should look for.

1. Human Resource System

Companies, big and small, need a way to manage their employees. One of the most efficient ways to do so is by using HR software. This can help you assess and recruit new employees, handle onboarding and training, track employee attendance, and evaluate the performance of existing staff members. It also comes with compliance tools that help you abide by HR and labor laws. In addition, there are some HR tools that come with its own payroll management module to help users manage salaries and benefits without having to leave the platform. Should you want to invest in one, a good example of this type of system is BambooHR.

You can check the solution closely when you sign up for a BambooHR free trial here.

2. Accounting Software

In any business, you will need to manage your finances. One of the tools that will simplify and accelerate this process is an accounting system. This type of program can help you keep tabs on income and expenditures and ensure that you are getting accurate reports on all financial activities. Some accounting tools are also capable of helping you prepare your taxes. On top of that, like HR systems, there are also accounting platforms that can manage payroll or be integrated with external payroll systems for easier financial management. To date, one of the best accounting systems on the market that you should check out is Freshbooks.

If you want to know more about the features you can easily sign up for a Freshbooks free trial here.

3. Project Management Platform

Dealing with business endeavors can get overwhelming. By implementing project management platforms, it becomes easier to prioritize tasks and ensure that you are not overlooking any aspects of your projects. These platforms also come with collaboration features that will help you relay information with your teammates faster and more effectively. If you haven't started browsing for a project management tool for your business, one of the products you should consider is Wrike.

You can use all the features for free for a period of time to see if the software matches your needs. Simply sign up for a Wrike free trial here.

Step 4: Jot Down All the Equipment You Need

Among the essential parts of an office that will help you carry out your operations is your equipment. But before you start purchasing any equipment, you should first jot down all the necessary items for your office. This will prevent you from buying hardware that you don't need as well as help you keep your budget in check. To help you narrow down the list of equipment you should consider, here's a list of essential equipment for new offices:

1. Computers and Laptops

A majority of transactions, marketing campaigns, and sales activities now happen online. This is why you will need to use computers or laptops in order to keep up with your competitors. As you browse, make sure you look for devices with specifications that can support your existing business software. Keep in mind that your computers and laptops should have operating systems that are compatible with your applications and a RAM of at least 4GB that will allow you to perform multiple tasks without slowing down computer performance. You should also take into consideration that storage capacity of these devices and make sure that they can support large amounts of files.

Once you have a clear idea of the type of computer you will need for your business, you can start the purchasing process. Light user machines will often cost $600 to $800 while power user machines may be priced at $1800 to $2000. These are often inclusive of warranty, tech support, and installation. To save money, you could also consider buying these in bulk to get discounts. For small businesses, you could opt to implement a BYOD policy so that you won't have to spend on additional devices.

2. Office Phones and Fax Machines

While emails remain as one of the most used modes of communication when it comes to business, it is still important for you to have other means by which people can get in touch with you. These can be in the form of office phones or fax machines. Aside from giving customers more ways to reach you, these can also be useful for companies that cater to customers who are not particularly tech-savvy.

3. Printers and Photocopy Machines

Many businesses are going paperless by utilizing file sharing tools to send documents to their staff members, clients, or even business partners. However, time and time again, you will encounter instances wherein you will need printouts of certain official documents as well as copies of files. For this, you will need reliable printers and copy machines. Just make sure to choose ones that are easy to set up and maintain. You should also consider looking for a machine that can do both to save you money.

4. Internet Connection

It goes without saying that businesses nowadays should have an internet connection for their operations. However, there are different types of internet connection plans available on the market. For businesses operating remote areas, satellite internet is a good option as it is available virtually everywhere. However, this is easily affected by wind, rain, and snow, resulting in slow speeds and downtime. If you need faster and more reliable internet, you could choose fiber-optic internet but this may not be available in some locations. Should you need fast internet speeds without bandwidth limits, cable internet is the way to go. Sometimes, this is even offered in bundles with phone and TV services. Lastly, you could also choose DSL internet which is offered by some phone service providers alongside their telephone plans. This is great for basic tasks such as sending emails and browsing the web. The only downside to using DSL internet services is that it might not be stable enough to handle conferencing.

5. Security Alarm System

Your office is filled with documents containing confidential information, expensive equipment, and other valuable items. This is why it makes sense that you take measures to keep your workplace safe from intruders. One of the best ways to do this is by installing a security system. This could take the form of passive infrared motion detectors, glass break detectors, alarm systems, or CCTV.

6. Mobile Phones

If you are in the field service industry or are simply always on-the-go, then, it is important that you have fast and reliable mobile phones. Luckily, there are plenty of service providers that offer bundle plans for businesses. These packages are often inclusive of multiple lines and devices and unlimited options on calls, texting, and data usage. If you regularly meet up with clients abroad, you can also opt for plans that can support international coverage so you can save on telecom costs. Just be sure to consider the specs of the devices that they are offering with these phone service bundles. You will need one with a strong enough processor for all the applications that you will need to install in it.

7. Paper Shredder

You will be handling plenty of paperwork in your office–most of which will only be needed for a short amount of time. When the time comes that you need to discard them, you need to make sure that these papers are cut into tiny pieces before you throw them out. This is to ensure that all your confidential papers remain safe from prying eyes. To speed up the process, you will need a paper shredder. Most supply stores offer three types of heavy-duty shredders that are made specifically for office use: strip cut, cross-cut, and micro-cut. These are all good options but if you want to be extra secure about your discarded documents, it is better to opt for micro-cut shredders. Unlike strip cut and cross-cut shredders, this type of tool will turn your papers into confetti, making it impossible to put the document back together.

Step 5: Stock Up on Office Supplies

How Do Scratch Offs Work

Aside from having desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and other equipment, you will also need to stock up on other office supplies. Often taken for granted, these everyday stationery and office materials can help you organize your office and even boost the productivity of your employees. Just be sure to find a supplier that you can trust to give you high-quality yet reasonably priced materials. Here are some of the most important supplies you will need for your new office:

1. Paper Goods

While most businesses are going paperless, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't have paper goods in your office. There are still plenty of opportunities wherein you will need these materials. For one, it is important for you to have a supply of notebooks and legal pads for meetings. These paper goods are great for jotting down ideas quickly. Moreover, using paper instead of your phone will eliminate the chances of getting distracted by notifications that pop up on your screen. You might also need business envelopes, letterheads, and computer papers to print out documents.

2. Business Cards

Business cards may be old school but these are still a must in any industry. These will come in handy for you and your employees when you meet with other professionals or potential clients. Keep your business cards simple by providing only essential information such as your business name, contact details, and the employee's name and job title. As for the layout, making it streamlined with clean and open designs will help it get a professional look that won't overwhelm the eyes of whoever was reading it. Be sure to steer clear of distorted or fancy fonts that are hard to decipher. Moreover, opt for basic color schemes that complement your branding. It is also important to note that it is better to have these business cards printed by professionals as they have the printers, inks, and specialty papers that will ensure the quality of your business cards.

How Do Scratch Offs Work

About Your Tutor

Emma has been scratching since the year 2000, when she discovered she had a love for fr-fr-fresh scratching and funky hip hop. After much time spent learning techniques and developing her flow, she now loves to break things down for anyone who wants to learn the art. Emma founded Studio Scratches in 2008, opened School of Scratch in 2014 and is dedicated to assisting you become excellent at the art of scratching. She has a passion for sharing knowledge and encouraging and inspiring others to achieve their dreams.

Meet your classmates – The Supa Scratch Crew

The Supa Scratch Crew are the awesome members of School of Scratch. They are scratch DJs from all over the world, who have varying levels of skill and experience. I have never met such an amazingly supportive, positive, encouraging group of DJs who care about each other's progress and experience in the School and in life. When you join School of Scratch, you are joining our crew. We are family!

Unlimited 24/7 Access
Classroom of HD Scratch Tutorial Videos
Proven curriculum you can work through
Practice Cheat Sheet
Progress Tracker
QnA Training Videos
Community Discussion Forums
Live Video Scratch Room available 24/7
Private Facebook Group Access
Monthly Scratch Challenges to help you practice and progress
100 Days of Scratching Ultimate Support Package
*NEW* 100 Days of Practice Challenge and Guide

8 Courses
122 videos
24+ hours of content

Bonus Downloads:

Ahhh & Fresh Samples
10 Beats for Scratch Practice
Speed Booster Training mp3

Choose a membership option below to get started today. As soon as you purchase, you will get immediate access (via user name and password) to the School of Scratch 🆘 and our Supa Scratch Crew Community ❤️.

Most affordable. Spread the cost of learning.

$49 a month*

  • *Membership renews automatically every month, cancel anytime

BEST VALUE – A single one off payment gets you unlimited lifetime access to the School and community.

Our Lifetime Membership Re-opens on March 26, so sign up to get the announcement!

PSST: You'll also get a sweet presale offer!

Lifetime Bonuses and Perks include:

  • Ultimate Beats for Scratch Practice download ($70 value)
  • Ultimate Scratch Samples download ($25 value)
  • Supa Scratch Crew Control Vinyl Labels
  • Supa Scratch Crew Gold Hot Foil Print – signed by Emma, with a handwritten message to you on the reverse

Payment Plan Available


'I am a complete beginner, I am worried I am not good enough to join.'

Please don't worry! You are the reason School of Scratch was created! Complete beginners are catered to and walked through the process. You'll be cutting it up fresh in no time! Our community is super supportive and encouraging. We all know what it feels like to be new at this!

'What equipment do I need?'

Course 1 – 'Equipment Needed' walks you through the equipment you need to enjoy scratching. Put simply, you need: A turntable with cartridge and stylus, mixer, slipmat and some vinyl to scratch with. If you would like to know more, download my Scratch DJ Equipment Guide. You'll also need an internet connection to log into the School and watch the videos and interact in the community.

'You scratch hamster and with your right hand on the crossfader, but I scratch regular and / or with my other hand on the fader. Can I still learn and benefit?'

Absolutely! Scratching can be broken down into moving the record backwards and forwards whilst opening and closing the crossfader. Simply take these principles and apply it to whichever hand you use on the crossfader, hamster or regular.

'I use a controller, not turntables + a mixer. Can I benefit from the lessons?'

YES! I mainly teach using turntables and vinyl DVS AND I also have 17 lessons teaching the basics on a Reloop Beatpad 2 controller, using Algoriddim djay 2 software. Scratching with digital controllers is totally possible, the only difference is it feels a little different than using vinyl, because the platters don't spin and are so much smaller. Many controllerists use my tutorials and adapt the basic principles to their digital setup. The art of scratching is really about moving the platters backwards and forwards and turning the crossfader off and on. It's only the finer subtleties of the moving platter that are missing when you use a controller. I also recommend watching the free tutorial on this page above to see if you can apply the principles to the specific controller you are using. Both vinyl heads and controllerists are welcome in the school! Many of us use both.

'Aren't there free scratch tutorial videos on YouTube I can watch and learn from?'

Yes AND the School of Scratch is a dedicated place to learn from professionally recorded, high quality videos, in an order that makes the most sense. You won't have to search to find what's next or piece together incomplete information. We have a complete curriculum you can follow step by step. You'll also benefit from being in our positive community who will support your scratch journey. After all, scratching is so much more than just techniques!

'Do you cover advanced techniques?'

Yes we do! From the Boomerang to all flavours of the Autobahn scratchers, there is something for everyone. All levels are welcome! If you are advanced – I recommend checking my DJcity combos which combine all of the advance level scratches, the QnA section where you can jam along. We also invite you to hang out in the forums or live room and even help others! Inspiration is possible at every level, we got you covered!

'Is there any minimum commitment or lock-in on the monthly membership?'

No, absolutely not. You can cancel anytime. If you need to take a break and leave at any time you can. You are also welcome back at any time! We are family!

'I have another question…'

I can't wait to hear them, email them to and you will receive a reply.

Ready to learn how to scratch? – Join School of Scratch today!

SoS Students in Action

Some of our current students in action using skills honed in the School.


As a teacher, Emma has the very rare quality of being both highly proficient as an artist, while also able to break down technique to its most rudimentary core. Even the most inexperienced novice will find her step-by-step method, clarity and simplified focus very easy to follow. Yet, amidst her fundamental descriptions one finds a treasure trove of absolutely essential information that would still be of great value to even the most seasoned DJ. Suckertash – Canada
In my opinion, there are two ingredients needed to get good on the cut: #1 Serious dedication to put lots of time into scratching. #2 Information. Emma has put together a wickedly well layed out, clear and functional school to get you the information on scratching you are looking for. Wanna get good? You deal with #1, Emma deals with #2. Cut it up Fresh. DarcyD – Canada (Scratch Mobile)
I've been a big fan of Emma since I discovered her on YouTube. This is very neat, clean, easy to navigate, easy to understand with step by step training tutorials explaining and showing you everything you need to know about scratching, starting from scratch. The question and answers section is an excellent way to practice your kutz!! I highly recommend this school of scratch for those starting out, seeking inspiration or wanting a positive and friendly tutor to help with all your scratch needs. I'm excited to see students sign up to this! Kitty Kutz – New Zealand
If you want to learn how to Scratch… then look no further! Emma breaks everything down very simply and easily and covers just about everything you need to know – from setting up your equipment, what records to buy and of course, fully explaining the scratch techniques. I wish I had something like that when I started out. It would have made life a lot simpler and would have learnt a LOT faster! Keep it up SOS! Mista Ed – New Zealand / UK ( Return Of The DJ Vol. V)
In the School of Scratch, Emma has designed a comprehensive and accessible forum for learning how to scratch and learn about all things related to scratch. The course is designed for people that want to use vinyl and/or controllers. Each lesson provides users with extended break downs of each scratch (i.e the chirp or flare scratches) in slow and manageable pieces. The lesson will then go on to develop the scratch showing users what you should be heading for in terms of sound with the understanding that each person brings their own sound and swing to each cut. Emma ain't no dope – she's mad good on the cuts!! At the end of the lesson there is a question and answer slot which is great to bounce rhythms off. The scratch teaching process is well thought out, linear and very easy to follow, being able to build on learnt skills. It's surprising how quickly you're able to get it. As each lesson is broken down into its incremental parts so is the course as a whole. Learning to do one scratch, then another then leads on to developing various combos. I'm serious – Emma will show you all the secrets of being able to scratch including how to develop ‘deliberate practice'. Another thing that the package provides is access to a bunch of like minded people, people that wanna learn how to scratch. Emma's natural enthusiasm has bought together a scratch community where people are able to bring their cuts to either a live scratch lounge or to be uploaded in the forum. Members are able to provide constructive appraisal of others work. This is so important, it helps people develop the ability to play out and to have another (appreciative and knowing) ear can reflect what work could be done to develop the scratch. I cannot emphasise enough that this is done in a place which is genuinely safe, constructive and positive, unlike other arenas of the interweb where you get people hating on, this reflects the whole ethos of the schools values, shared learning and mutual respect, I've not come across any mad ego here. There are forums to connect with like minded individuals, share inspirational vids, share tricks etc to. I wouldn't look anywhere else in terms of price, cogency of lessons and accessibility to a good bunch of people and well laid out website for the complete scratch package. This is an awesome package which will develop your musical understanding as well as your cuts. See you at the DMC! Simon Denny – UK

How do you set up an office from scratch, say, you have recently got an office space? The process of setting up a workplace is as overwhelming as decorating a new house. You tend to get excited over the idea of purchasing new furnishings, filling the place up with new equipment, and mulling over how you will set the interior. However, if you don't plan carefully how you will set up your office space, you might end up spending too much money on things you don't need, or worse—create a clutter that might put a damper on the overall efficiency of your operations.

If you are unsure how to set up an office from scratch, keep reading. In this article, we will be providing you with a comprehensive checklist of office essentials, so that you can create a workplace that will reinforce your operations, foster collaboration, and improve productivity.

5 Easy Steps To Set Up Your Office Space From Scratch

How you set up your office can make or break your business. A disorderly workplace can lead to unhappy workers, which could be a cause for inefficient operations. In fact, according to the State of the American Workplace report, results showed that dissatisfied employees cost businesses in the US $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity every year.

There are many factors that might contribute to this dissatisfaction among employees. As you can see on the table provided, above 40% of workers believe that there is not enough quiet space for focused work in modern offices. Moreover, roughly 30% think that their workplace need better wireless technology, and 20% are stating that the internal office design and layout is not conducive to productivity and quality.


Make sure you prevent this by setting up an office carefully. By understanding what your operations need and having a clear view of the requirements of your business, you can create a seamless work environment that improves productivity, enhances teamwork, ensures efficiency, and exudes professionalism.

In this article, we will show you 5 easy steps on how to set up an office space from scratch. From choosing a floor plan and finding out how to optimize your space to determining the type of equipment you need and narrowing down the essential SaaS for your business, our guide can serve as your checklist to make everything go smoothly.

Step 1: Visualize How You Want Your Office to Look Like

Before you start buying items and filling up your office with furnishings and equipment, try to visualize what you want your workspace to look like. Make measurements of your space to get a good grasp of how much space you have to spare. After which, you can start estimating how small or how large the equipment you'll need. By doing so, it will be easier for you to design how the layout of your office.

As you visualize your floor plan, you should decide what kind of work environment you want for your employees. Different office setups have various effects that can be ideal for certain industries while detrimental to others. If you're looking for one that promotes productivity and individual growth, using cubicles may be good for your operations. For those who want to foster creativity and enhance teamwork, an open office layout might work better. You could also make use of half partitions to strike a good balance between an open-plan and cubicle office layout. At the end of the day, it all boils down to finding out which office floor plan you and your staff are comfortable with.

Step 2: Set Up Your Communication Channels

Even as you set up the office you can and should immediately establish communication with clients, staff and key partners. Each working hour counts and you cannot afford to have employees sitting idle waiting for the final touches on the office interior. This is where communication channels will come in, particularly business phone system. Using today's cloud PBX, instant messaging app, teleconferencing tools, and VoIP programs, you get to establish that key communication link on the get-go. Moreover, these can simplify communication within your office as well. To help you build your office's communication network, we have listed down some products for you to consider. You can also check out this list of communications software systems to expand your list of options.

1. RingCentral

Probably the most essential communications tool that you need for your office is a PBX system or VoIP software. This will allow you to consolidate different communication channels in one convenient hub. Whether you need to handle calls, emails, video chat, instant messaging, or conferencing, this type of software will be able to support it. One good example of this is RingCentral.

This unified communications system and VoIP program is designed to cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes. Offering robust tools that are highly configurable, this platform allows users to conduct conferences, take phone calls, manage emails, as well as perform instant messaging with ease. Moreover, the software comes with auto receptionist tools and automated call forwarding options that can relieve you of mundane tasks such as routing calls to the right people. To further reinforce communication efforts and make sure that you are always within reach of your customers, RingCentral also has built-in fail-safe systems. Should you want to extend the functionalities of this platform and configure it according to your operational needs, you may also integrate it with a multitude of third-party apps.

You can try all its premium features at no cost when you sign up for a RingCentral free trial here.


Try out RingCentral with their free trial

The platform is created to work on both mobile and desktop devices, so you can manage your calls and messages as long as you're connected to the internet. With this at your disposal, you can certainly reduce the amount of busywork involved in communicating with clients, business partners, and staff members. This way, you can focus more on having substantial conversations that drive your business forward. For pricing, RingCentral has different plans that are bundled according to the types of features you require as well as the number of users you intend on enrolling in the system. These range from $19.99/month/user to $59.99/month/user.

2. Slack

On top of your VoIP system, it is also important to find a tool that specifically targets your internal communications. For this, an instant messaging system would be more ideal. It is less disruptive than calls and conferencing. In addition, messages sent through IM are much easier to filter and search for future reference. One such IM tool you should consider is Slack.

Slackis a messaging application developed to centralize all internal business communications. Offering robust real-time messaging as well as voice and video calling capabilities, this tool also has file sharing, archiving, filtering, data encryption, and custom notification features that allow modern teams to maximize collaboration and optimize overall operations. Moreover, it is accessible from any device, giving users complete mobility. To top it all off, Slack offers open API capabilities that allow it to work with over 1500 external applications. This way, you can extend its capabilities and merge it with your existing business systems with ease. For pricing, Slack has a free plan and paid plans that cost $6.67/user/month to $12.50/user/month.

Step 3: Make Sure You Have the Right Software

After determining the office hardware you need, it's time to start choosing the software systems that you will use for your operations. These applications are key to helping you boost overall productivity and efficiency in your workplace. With these at your disposal, you can speed up the majority of your operational processes and streamline your workflow. More often than not, these are also built to help you reduce the amount of manual work that you have to do on a daily basis. Just make sure you choose software systems that are flexible enough to adapt to your unique workflow and support the requirements of your operations.

To help you get started, we have zeroed in on some of the most essential types of SaaS for your new office. However, before investing in one, make sure that your prospective software systems are compatible with the equipment you are currently using. This is so that you won't end up spending more money to replace certain hardware. For certain industries, it is also important to note that there may be specialized software solutions that you will need. Check out this comprehensive guide to the essential SaaS solutions for businesses to get a better idea of the other types of systems that you should look for.

1. Human Resource System

Companies, big and small, need a way to manage their employees. One of the most efficient ways to do so is by using HR software. This can help you assess and recruit new employees, handle onboarding and training, track employee attendance, and evaluate the performance of existing staff members. It also comes with compliance tools that help you abide by HR and labor laws. In addition, there are some HR tools that come with its own payroll management module to help users manage salaries and benefits without having to leave the platform. Should you want to invest in one, a good example of this type of system is BambooHR.

You can check the solution closely when you sign up for a BambooHR free trial here.

2. Accounting Software

In any business, you will need to manage your finances. One of the tools that will simplify and accelerate this process is an accounting system. This type of program can help you keep tabs on income and expenditures and ensure that you are getting accurate reports on all financial activities. Some accounting tools are also capable of helping you prepare your taxes. On top of that, like HR systems, there are also accounting platforms that can manage payroll or be integrated with external payroll systems for easier financial management. To date, one of the best accounting systems on the market that you should check out is Freshbooks.

If you want to know more about the features you can easily sign up for a Freshbooks free trial here.

3. Project Management Platform

Dealing with business endeavors can get overwhelming. By implementing project management platforms, it becomes easier to prioritize tasks and ensure that you are not overlooking any aspects of your projects. These platforms also come with collaboration features that will help you relay information with your teammates faster and more effectively. If you haven't started browsing for a project management tool for your business, one of the products you should consider is Wrike.

You can use all the features for free for a period of time to see if the software matches your needs. Simply sign up for a Wrike free trial here.

Step 4: Jot Down All the Equipment You Need

Among the essential parts of an office that will help you carry out your operations is your equipment. But before you start purchasing any equipment, you should first jot down all the necessary items for your office. This will prevent you from buying hardware that you don't need as well as help you keep your budget in check. To help you narrow down the list of equipment you should consider, here's a list of essential equipment for new offices:

1. Computers and Laptops

A majority of transactions, marketing campaigns, and sales activities now happen online. This is why you will need to use computers or laptops in order to keep up with your competitors. As you browse, make sure you look for devices with specifications that can support your existing business software. Keep in mind that your computers and laptops should have operating systems that are compatible with your applications and a RAM of at least 4GB that will allow you to perform multiple tasks without slowing down computer performance. You should also take into consideration that storage capacity of these devices and make sure that they can support large amounts of files.

Once you have a clear idea of the type of computer you will need for your business, you can start the purchasing process. Light user machines will often cost $600 to $800 while power user machines may be priced at $1800 to $2000. These are often inclusive of warranty, tech support, and installation. To save money, you could also consider buying these in bulk to get discounts. For small businesses, you could opt to implement a BYOD policy so that you won't have to spend on additional devices.

2. Office Phones and Fax Machines

While emails remain as one of the most used modes of communication when it comes to business, it is still important for you to have other means by which people can get in touch with you. These can be in the form of office phones or fax machines. Aside from giving customers more ways to reach you, these can also be useful for companies that cater to customers who are not particularly tech-savvy.

3. Printers and Photocopy Machines

Many businesses are going paperless by utilizing file sharing tools to send documents to their staff members, clients, or even business partners. However, time and time again, you will encounter instances wherein you will need printouts of certain official documents as well as copies of files. For this, you will need reliable printers and copy machines. Just make sure to choose ones that are easy to set up and maintain. You should also consider looking for a machine that can do both to save you money.

4. Internet Connection

It goes without saying that businesses nowadays should have an internet connection for their operations. However, there are different types of internet connection plans available on the market. For businesses operating remote areas, satellite internet is a good option as it is available virtually everywhere. However, this is easily affected by wind, rain, and snow, resulting in slow speeds and downtime. If you need faster and more reliable internet, you could choose fiber-optic internet but this may not be available in some locations. Should you need fast internet speeds without bandwidth limits, cable internet is the way to go. Sometimes, this is even offered in bundles with phone and TV services. Lastly, you could also choose DSL internet which is offered by some phone service providers alongside their telephone plans. This is great for basic tasks such as sending emails and browsing the web. The only downside to using DSL internet services is that it might not be stable enough to handle conferencing.

5. Security Alarm System

Your office is filled with documents containing confidential information, expensive equipment, and other valuable items. This is why it makes sense that you take measures to keep your workplace safe from intruders. One of the best ways to do this is by installing a security system. This could take the form of passive infrared motion detectors, glass break detectors, alarm systems, or CCTV.

6. Mobile Phones

If you are in the field service industry or are simply always on-the-go, then, it is important that you have fast and reliable mobile phones. Luckily, there are plenty of service providers that offer bundle plans for businesses. These packages are often inclusive of multiple lines and devices and unlimited options on calls, texting, and data usage. If you regularly meet up with clients abroad, you can also opt for plans that can support international coverage so you can save on telecom costs. Just be sure to consider the specs of the devices that they are offering with these phone service bundles. You will need one with a strong enough processor for all the applications that you will need to install in it.

7. Paper Shredder

You will be handling plenty of paperwork in your office–most of which will only be needed for a short amount of time. When the time comes that you need to discard them, you need to make sure that these papers are cut into tiny pieces before you throw them out. This is to ensure that all your confidential papers remain safe from prying eyes. To speed up the process, you will need a paper shredder. Most supply stores offer three types of heavy-duty shredders that are made specifically for office use: strip cut, cross-cut, and micro-cut. These are all good options but if you want to be extra secure about your discarded documents, it is better to opt for micro-cut shredders. Unlike strip cut and cross-cut shredders, this type of tool will turn your papers into confetti, making it impossible to put the document back together.

Step 5: Stock Up on Office Supplies

Aside from having desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and other equipment, you will also need to stock up on other office supplies. Often taken for granted, these everyday stationery and office materials can help you organize your office and even boost the productivity of your employees. Just be sure to find a supplier that you can trust to give you high-quality yet reasonably priced materials. Here are some of the most important supplies you will need for your new office:

1. Paper Goods

While most businesses are going paperless, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't have paper goods in your office. There are still plenty of opportunities wherein you will need these materials. For one, it is important for you to have a supply of notebooks and legal pads for meetings. These paper goods are great for jotting down ideas quickly. Moreover, using paper instead of your phone will eliminate the chances of getting distracted by notifications that pop up on your screen. You might also need business envelopes, letterheads, and computer papers to print out documents.

2. Business Cards

Business cards may be old school but these are still a must in any industry. These will come in handy for you and your employees when you meet with other professionals or potential clients. Keep your business cards simple by providing only essential information such as your business name, contact details, and the employee's name and job title. As for the layout, making it streamlined with clean and open designs will help it get a professional look that won't overwhelm the eyes of whoever was reading it. Be sure to steer clear of distorted or fancy fonts that are hard to decipher. Moreover, opt for basic color schemes that complement your branding. It is also important to note that it is better to have these business cards printed by professionals as they have the printers, inks, and specialty papers that will ensure the quality of your business cards.

3. Mailing Supplies

Emailing may be a convenient channel to get in touch with other people. However, it is not always the best way to communicate with certain demographics. By using old-school snail mail, you are less likely to get filtered out and there is a higher chance for your customers to actually read it. Plus, some legal documents like contracts and patent applications are better sent through registered post for official documentation. So, be sure to have a good amount of official business envelopes and paper with your letterhead.

4. Writing Materials

Even if you don't use many paper products, you will still need writing materials. For one, you'll need pens to sign official documents. In addition to that, permanent markers can be of use for labeling documents and other items within your office. Also, if you and your team are fond of using boards for mind mapping and brainstorming, you will also need a good supply of whiteboard markers.

5. Other Supplies

On top of the office supplies mentioned, there are other materials you should consider purchasing for your office. These will include rubber bands, paper clips, thumbtacks, staplers, staples, tape dispensers, and tape refills. Of course, if you are using a printer or photocopy machine, you should also have printer ink and toner cartridges in your inventory at all times.


How to set up an office from scratch doesn't have to be complicated. Like in any business endeavor, all you have to do to make your space work for you is through extensive research and planning. After you've completed your preparations, the rest of the work is sure to come much more easily. Hopefully, with this checklist of office essentials, you were able to get a better idea of how you will be able to set up your office from scratch.

How Do Scratch Off Cards Work

You may also be interested to read our guide on how to increase employee & work productivity at your office.

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